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Engineering Services

Have you ever considered using consultants in your business?

Make use of the opportunity to scale your organization with specific competences by utilizing ENABL consultants onsite and/ or back-office. 

Our engineering services consist of a broad and continues growing highly skilled wind industry expertise of Engineers with the possibility of delivering directly into our customer systems and processes. 

We ensure you top quality to compete on global scale and we persist until we achieve what you expect from us.

Take a look at our engineering services below.

Utilize our experienced consultants for a flexible and scalable organization


AerodynamicsBudget Planningnsys/ComsolCAPEX/ OPEX split
AnalystsCAD / FEA / CFDAutoCADChange Management
Back-office PMsDesign Risk AssessmentCatiaClosing VOC in an early stage
Cost EngineersECN/ECM WorkflowCADDY++Complexity Reduction
Design EngineersEmbedded SoftwareC/C#/C++Cost Reduction
Electrical EngineersFacilitationCREOCustomer / Supplier Perspective
Embedded Software DevelopersLife Cycle ManagementECMDesign for Manufacturing
Equipment OperatorsMaster Data enrichmentECN PLM SystemsDigitalization
Equipment SpecialistsPFMEA / DFMEAFlex 5Early Value Chain Engagement
Grid SpecialistsProduction layoutGH BlendedEmbedded Learnings
Load Engineers Power System AnalysisInventorEnd-2-End Value Chain perspective
Master Data & ConfigurationRequirement specificationJAVA/.NetFull Life Cycle Cost
Power EngineersResource planningJenkins/CucumberGlobal Footprint
Process Engineers Rigging CalculationsJiRAIndustrialized Standardization
Procurement SupportRisk AssessmentMathCadInterface Alignment
Project LeadsSpring PlanningMatlab/SimulinkLessons Learned
Project ManagersSoftware Builds / ToolsMicrosoft TeamsLocal Content Requirement
Service EngineersSoftware Automation and Simulation PlantMicrosoft OfficeModularization
Site ManagersStoryboardsNXProject Triangle (Scope - Time - Resources)
Software EngineersStructural ValidationVaultRobust Changes
Structural EngineersTechnical DocumentationVDI ConnectionRoles & Responsibilities
SupervisorsTool Concept Spec. / TRS PDMScalable Design
Technical PMsUI/UX Implementation, Iteration & TestingPlannerStakeholder Management
Technical LeadsUser ManualPSSE/PSCAD/POWER FACTORY/EMTPStage Gate Model
Technical WritersValue Stream MappingSAPSteerCo
TechniciansWork InstructionSharePointSustainability
Web Developers3D/2D Design & UpdatesSolid WorksSustaining Engineering
UI/UX DesignersTeamCenterTesting and Compliance
QHSE Managers Tools = Components (same design timeline)


Consulting & Outsourcing is located in Denmark, Ukraine, Bulgaria and India.


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+350 consultants all over the world

Highly skilled wind industry expertise

Scale your organization with specific competences

Your Advantages

Scaling organization

We offer A-Z engineering competences, with high flexibility

Cost reduction

Increased utilization with global footprint

Complexity reduction

Reduce your time on recruiting, onboarding and resource management

Wind industry expertise

Highly expertized consultants supporting all processes in the wind industry

Get in touch

Do you want to hear more about what our consultant can offer to your business?

You can reach us at

You are also welcome to reach out directly to one of our Consulting sales people.

Catarina Henrique

Sales Director

+45 44 14 21 45

Borja Zapico Álvarez

Sales Director, Consulting

+351 915 709 687

Heino Holm Knudsen

Senior Sales Manager, Consulting

+45 21 40 90 30

Esben Eskerod

Director, Tech Sales, Consulting

+45 41 77 07 02

Other Solutions

ENABL Supplier Partnership is a way to support a rapid company change enabling you to adapt the market requirements and needs.
ENABL can help bridging your gaps by scaling your global capabilities, be your design house, improve your quality, be your partner in innovation and much more.

Supplier Partnership