ENABL Ukraine

Our offices in Ukraine opened in 2015, and we are located in Odessa and Kharkiv. ENABL Ukraine is experiencing growth. It is a flexible work place with great employees providing engineering services for our customers.

75 dedicated employees are working in our two Ukrainian offices, offering:

  • Finite Element Analysis
  • Fatigue calculations
  • Mechanical design and documentation
  • Project management
  • Electrical diagrams
  • Automation
  • Grid and power plant control
  • Software development

75 dedicated employees

ENABL Ukraine opened in 2015

Specialists in Finitie Element Analysis

Get in touch

Contact us if you want to hear more about what we can do for your business.


Yuliia Humanenko

General Manager, ENABL Ukraine

+3806 7628 4500


Thomas Skovby Jepsen

General Manager Europe

+359 883 264 207
