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Transport & Storage Equipment

As wind turbines grow in size, our transport and storage equipment is designed and developed to fit all sizes of wind turbines components onshore and offshore.

Our specialists design and develop flexible and modular transport solutions to support your entire value chain from your production facility to site.

We ensure that your components arrive on site safely and ready for installation.

We Optimize Your Transport & Storage Solutions with Safe and Flexible Equipment

Transport frames for hub

Transport frames for nacelle

Transport frames for blades

Transport frames for towers

Storage Equipment

Get in touch

Do you want to hear more about our solutions within Transport, Installation, & Service Equipment?

You can reach us at

You are also welcome to reach out directly to Brian Marcimak.

Brian Marcimak

Sales Director, Lifting & Transport Equipment

+45 21 71 57 43

Other Solutions

Safe and cost-effective Blade Lifting Yokes are designed and developed by specialists and leading experts in the wind energy industry.

ENABL designs and delivers safe and approved yokes able to handle installation and dismounting of blades in all positions – both onshore and offshore.

Blade Lifting Yokes