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Factory Layout

Optimized factory layout for tower and monopile production generates higher capacity, shorter lead times and better production flow.

We offer factory layout, consulting and analysis, as well as turnkey solutions for brownfield and greenfield investments.

  • Are you looking for a brownfield or greenfield factory layout with high production capacity?
  • Are you searching for a factory layout with state-of-the-art solutions?

We analyze, calculate and advise how to reach the desired capacity.

Challenges are identified and met with customized solutions so you retain a strong position in a competitive market.

An Optimized Factory Layout Means

A reliable base for decisions

Capacity calculations and analyses create a strong and reliable base for decisions.

Optimized performance

Optimized performance means optimized production flow, high efficiency and low operating cost. You are a stronger player in a competitive market.

State-of-the-art solutions

State-of-the-art solutions with a high level of automation create competitive advantages in the market.

Reduction of manual handling

In an optimized factory layout, manual handling is reduced to a minimum.

High capacity

Customized solutions ensure high capacity in consideration of space limitations, as well as crane height and crane capacity.

Scenarios provide constructive dialogs

Multiple factory layout scenarios provide the basis for constructive dialogs about capacity targets, production flow and challenges before final decision.

Factory Layout for Tower and Monopile Production

State-of-the-art solutions are needed in an optimized factory layout where the synergy between processes, production equipment and employees is streamlined.

An optimized and elaborated factory layout means a strong and reliable foundation for investment.

In a competitive market, there are demands for efficiency and low operating costs. Therefore, our primary goal is to ensure:

  • High capacity
  • Fast turnaround time, and
  • Automation solutions in your production

Brownfield Investments


For brownfield investments, we endeavor to optimize the factory layout to achieve the highest possible capacity, in consideration of space limitations and crane height and capacity.

To achieve capacity targets, it can be crucial that production flow and production equipment are customized to the existing buildings.


Greenfield Investments

For greenfield investments, the factory layout must also ensure high capacity and fast turnaround time under the given financial headroom.


Optimized performance

Optimized production flow

State-of-the-art solutions

Get in Touch

Do you want to hear more about our solutions within Tower & Foundation Production Equipment?

You can reach us at

You are also welcome to reach out directly to Thomas Thyssen.

Thomas Thyssen

Sales Director, Tower & Foundation

+45 22 93 92 22