ESG Report 2020-2021

Sustainability Report 2020-2021

Throughout this report we describe how we work with sustainability in Eltronic Group. We highlight our approach to identifying and assessing the challenges which are essential to us and our stakeholders.

We spotlight our sustainability strategy and activities of the past year including our ESG ambitions, efforts, key figures, group policies and selected activities throughout the fiscal year.

Open the ESG Report 

Sustainability roadmap

To guide us on our sustainability journey, Eltronic Group have developed a roadmap.

In 2021, we have taken the first steps and anchored sustainability within Eltronic Group. In 2022, we want to improve our framework and our data collection.

In the near future, we want to reach scope 3 – this is where we will be able to make an actual difference. The roadmap highlights how we integrate sustainability into:
• business practices and processes
• systems
• solutions and products
• new business opportunities

Environmental impacts

In 2020/2021, we have had various environmental impacts through our operations. We have summarized this for Enabl A/S.

These numbers include emissions for scope 1 and 2. We do not yet have data for scope 3.

ESG Report 2020-2021 in brief

You can download a one pager about the ESG.
