ENABL Announces Leadership Changes and Strengthens Its Position as a Total Solution Provider
ENABL is excited to announce leadership changes, aimed at strengthening our position as the Total Solution Provider
After working at ENABL China for four years, Ole Juul Pultz, Head of Operation & Service China, is returning to ENABL Denmark.
Ole was previously employed in Eltronic Wind Solutions and went to work in China. Growing from a small team consisting of 7 employees to 12+ core employees today, it’s not difficult to imagine that ENABL China has done an amazing job in the previous years. But what were Ole’s responsibilities, and how does he feel about spending four years in China?
When ENABL China was established back in 2018, it was a small organization, consisting of 7 employees: Emily Guo, Lisa Qian, Jerry Fei, Speedy Cheng, Michael Luan, Hufeng and Lina. In order to set up a solid Service and Operation department in China, Ole Juul Pultz was hired.
Ole has a solid background, working as an Engineer at Siemens Gamesa for more than six years. He was Project Manager and Site Lead for blade repair. He also has a lot of working experience from overseas. With his knowledge and background, he is undoubtedly a trustworthy professional.
As one of the core employees, Ole was responsible for the Service and Operation department in China. He is pleased to see the development. The support from Denmark has been strong and sufficient. They have not only built a stronger organization but also closer relationships with our customers.
Ole also, together with Emily, built up the foundation for the strong Supply Chain we have now in regards of processes and organization structures.
What’s more, Ole is proud of the committed Chinese employees. He gives credit to Emily Guo, Managing Director at ENABL China.
“In my opinion, Emily has done a fantastic job. She is responsible and flexible, she always follows the workflow, but she also gives appropriate freedom to employees. We both see the same options, and we have a great synergy in our working relationship,” Ole says.
Ole could also see that the employees themselves had grown.
“I see the development in their personal and technical skills within PLC, robotics, mechanical and electrical assembly. For instance, they are capable of assembling nacelle yokes, Janett yokes, Unison yokes, and working platforms. Also, they can perform installation and commissioning of testers, turners, and rotation tools and provide service for all these equipment types. Their English skills have improved as well – they are not afraid to speak up anymore. I believe empowerment is key when managing a team. I am extremely proud of the team,” Ole says.
Since Ole has become a grandfather, he would like to move closer to his family. Therefore, he came back to Denmark on December 15 and keep working at ENABL Denmark.
“I feel ambivalent about leaving. I enjoyed my work in China, I enjoyed the people around me, and I love Chinese food…I do feel sad when thinking about leaving. But at the same time, I’m also looking forward to returning to Denmark and my family,” Ole says.
“Kevin Chen will take over for me, and I feel completely confident about this. I see that our team in China is proud of being part of the company. The company really matters! Also, colleagues in Denmark will continue to support them. We couldn’t have made the progress in China without their dedication and support.”
We are thankful for Ole’s effort in upscaling ENABL China, and we look forward to work with him in Denmark.